The Thornridge Series
A historical fiction series which spans the ages following the Thornridge family. This Anglo-Dutch family has characters witnessing and participating in the great events of world history with a dash of the mysterious and supernatural invading from time to time. Current titles include Thornridge and the Highwayman (1774), Thornridge and the Boston Conspiracy (1775), and Hell on the Hudson: A Thornridge Novella (1776).
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If you prefer eBooks, these titles are also available on Kindle! Please check them out on Amazon!
The Etruscus Series
Etruscus is just an ordinary Roman looking forward to a pension and a retirement from long, grueling service with the legions. The gods, however, have a different destiny in mind for him. In Scorn of the Gods, Etruscus's peaceful prospects are interrupted by the appearance of a Germanic demon which threatens the very empire itself. What's a regular Italian guy to do?